Integrated Predictive Global System -
an integrated system to make global predictions.
IPGS is intended for remote prospecting and exploration of natural resources (minerals, oil, gas, water) at global and national levels.
A traditional way to use IPGS includes the following stages:
Prospecting work in unexplored territories to find promising areas;
Exploration in promising areas in order to localize the supposed deposits;
Preparation of the most probable deposits (fields) for development and control drilling.
The system allows us to execute informational and analytical work that is similar to production stages from prospecting to control drilling in any area (according to the satellite coverage) depending on the territory complexity category, task operativeness, and other factors within 2-6 months.

Most commonly, we deal with the following types of resources:
Fuel-and-power: oil, natural gas, coal, etc.;
Ferrous metals: iron, manganese, chromium;
Non-ferrous and alloying metals: aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, wolfram, molybdenum, tin;
Non-ore building materials: cement and glass raw materials, marble, slates, clays, pumice, tuffs, granite;
Precious stones: diamonds and others;
Hydromineral: underground fresh and mineralized waters, thermal waters.
Mining chemical raw materials: phosphorites, rock and potassium salts, native sulfur, barite;
Non-ore industrial raw materials: mica, graphite, asbestos, quartz, etc.;

The system is designed according to a modular approach and is the result of a synthesis of methods of nature cognition, information systems and technologies. The system is constantly under development and improvement.
Table of Contents
Exploration of hydrocarbon deposits in areas identified at the 1st stage
Detailed exploration of deposits prepared at the 2nd stage
Preparation of deposits for the production drilling
Final, The total timeframe
Typical work stages on the example of hydrocarbons
(The process for an area of 2000 sq. km)
We carry out the exploration of the territory to the maximum depth established and make a small-scale prediction with regional zoning of a given territory in order to generally assess the prospects for its oil and gas content: we identify the types of industrial hydrocarbons (HC) and get a preliminary characteristic of the total value of the predictive reserves of oil and condensate (million tons), gas (billion cubic meters).
Timeframe is 4 weeks.
A fragmented illustration of the 1st stage results is presented below:

Study of the potential of hydrocarbons in the A territory.
Exploration of hydrocarbon deposits in areas identified at the 1st stage
The planned outlines of the area deposits;
The ranges of HC occurrence depths;
The number of layers;
Clarify the HC reserves of the deposit;
Timeframe is 5 weeks.
A fragmented illustration of the 2nd stage results is as follows:

Exploration of HC-objects in priority areas of A territory.
Detailed exploration of deposits prepared at the 2nd stage
We clarify the planned outlines of the area deposits and developed:
The occurrence depths of the top of the productive layers;
The thickness of the productive layers;
Industrial deposits in layers and their planned outlines;
Other deposit characteristics (e.g., porosity, etc.).
Timeframe is 8 weeks.
A fragmented illustration of the 3rd stage results is given below:

Detailed exploration of oil and gas facility.
Preparation of deposits for the production drilling
The volumes of HC-reserves to be extracted considering the applied technologies of deposit development;
The number of drilling spots and their optimal location for the efficient production drilling;
Prepare recommendations for the deposit development.
Timeframe is 5 weeks.
A fragmented illustration of the 4th stage results is presented below:

Selection of the effective drilling zones and optimal drilling spots based on multi-factor analysis of the HC-object and case studies.
The total timeframe for all 4 stages is 22 weeks (5 and a half months).
At each stage, there are works of different scales: from M 1 : 1,000,000 to M 1 : 10,000.
At the following stages, operative and intellectual support is provided for the works on deposit development and operation.
Note. The number of stages, the activities on each work stage and times of performance can be changed, if necessary, by mutual agreement.
Fragments of the study on diamond resources:

Diamond resources of the regions.
Diamond resources of districts in regions.

The results of prospecting and exploration of diamondiferous objects with the assessment of the predicative diamond resources.
Assessment of diamond content of kimberlite pipes.

The global issue of freshwater shortage on Earth
GeoResource Intelligent Prognostic System, which we have designed, enables us to acquire comprehensive data about mineral deposits and water resources in any territory of the Earth and make a reliable forecast of their rational extraction.
Today almost 2 billion people in more than 80 countries underground freshwater sources, have restricted supply of freshwater. With GeoResource Intelligent Prognostic System, we uncover new demand in the immediate and distant future.

Major causes of the issue and its aggravation:
Rapid increase in demand for water
Limited current water sources
Disbalance of the natural water cycle: water yield exceeding water recreation in sources
The traditional model of exhaustible freshwater resources on the Earth limits the possibilities of using new non-traditional natural water sources.
The new alternative model of inexhaustible and sufficient magmatic freshwater resources for sustainable development of the humankind.
Creating a new model is now possible following long-term remote surveying of the underground part of the Earth hydrosphere based on GeoResource Intelligent Prognostic System in the global,
regional, and local levels to the depth of at least ten kilometers from the daylight surface. The model aims to solve the worldwide water issue.

Content of new model of inexhaustible and sufficient magmatic fresh-water resources.
Deep-earth concentrations of fresh and brackish water are across the planet. They are constantly dynamic and classified as renewable natural resources and inexhaustible if used rationally.
Three components of the new model
Magmatic-water theory.
Discoveries, evidence, and results of global deep penetration survey of the Earth interior.
Major results of the Earth survey with GeoResource IPS at the global (continents, global ocean, separate countries), regional (desert areas, areas of large global critical aquifers, separate countries, areas of acute water-supply deficit), and local (certain territories at the request of owners and users of subterranean resources) levels.
The magmatic-water theory was first developed by E. Suess, an Austrian geologist, in 1902 and later gained momentum in the world science (in particular Russian scientists): in rifts, magmatic water is sweet originally, which
determines hydrochemical inversions).
Fundamental results of Earth survey with GeoResource IPS
Mantle was detected 400-600 km deep, and it is the primary source of magmatic water and hydrocarbon deposits.
It was determined that deep-earth concentrations of fresh and brackish water are across the planet.
Internal water is dynamic and is classified as a renewable natural resource.
According to the assessment carried out, prospective reserves of ground freshwater are unlimited, considering its recreation, and its prospective resources are inexhaustible.
Relevance of water-resources users’ unconditional compliance with the principles of sustainable environment management and natural harmony.
Conclusions: considering the assessment of its reserves and resources, water is not classified among significant constraints of humankind’s sustainable development.

History of GeoResource IPS &

November 28, 1996 - a surprising result of GeoResource IPS - at M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, the fact of detecting water and hydrocarbons indications on the Moon, in particular in the Crüger crater,
was made public at an astronomy research seminar for the first time.
November 29, 1996 (a day later) - a NASA report based on the analysis of the data of the US military circumlunar probe Clementine was published in Science concerning possible water availability
on the Moon.
1998 - de facto confirmation of water availability on the Moon was made during a regular survey by the NASA lunar probes.
2002 – the sensational discovery of an affluent underground river in The Sahara Desert in Mauritania.
The project research supervisor, the co-author of the system design, was a professor of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and as sponsors.

GeoResource IPS result:
Commercially exploitable reserves of deep-earth fresh and brackish water were discovered in all the regions specified.

1. Prospective outlines of selected pockets of subterranean fresh water.

2. Cayman Islands: recommended locations for water extraction.

3. Water in Earth mantle 2007-2009. GeoResource IPS:
A sphere which is the source of deep-earth water and hydrocarbons as a result of endogenic mantle processes, was detected 400-600 km deep in
the interior of the Earth.
2007 – the US scientists concluded that there is a water reservoir 1,200-1,400 deep in the territory of Eurasia, it is comparable to the Arctic Ocean by volume.
2014 – the US scientists assumed that a huge water reservoir is available 410-660 km deep in the territory of North America.
2014 – Canadian scientists calculated water reserves 410-660 km deep in the Earth mantle equaling the water volume in the global ocean.
2016 – French, German, and Russian scientists concluded that an ocean exists 410-660 km deep in the Earth mantle, it exceeds the global ocean by water volume.
Water Stress by Country: 2040

New model prospects: resolution of the global issue of fresh-water deficit and restoration of exogenous water reserves.
Forecast by World Resources Institute within the traditional water model.
Arabian Peninsula The minimum estimate of prospective natural reserves of fresh and brackish water to the depth of ten kilometers is 50x10^6 m3/km2.

UAE Magmatic Water
The minimum estimate of prospective resources of fresh and brackish water to the depth of four kilometers is 10 km3 / year.
In the UAE territory, one of the areas (red dashed outline) and recommended areas (blue outlines) for high-priority survey and exploration of magmatic water.